Mode of Payment

Fee, funds and other charges are to be paid on quarterly basis through online mode or through credit/debit card at the School Fee Counter or by using online portal provided or through A/C Payee cheque in favour of “Dr Rajeev Modern Public School”. In future fee will be directly debited through ACH/ECS on the day prescribed for due date of payment of fee, consent of which will be taken separately from the parents.  Fee can also be deposited or transferred through RTGS/NEFT/IMPS directly to the bank authorized by the School (Detail given at the end on this Page) for the same purpose. Cheques shall be accepted up to 15th day of each quarter i.e. April, July, October & January. If 15th happens to be a holiday / closed day, the payment must be made a day prior to holiday of the month.

Please Note :      

#Late fee Will be paid  With a fine of Rs.20/-per Day after the due date. 

#In case the cheque is not honoured, cheque bounce charge of Rs.400/- will be imposed.

#If fee is not deposited within 45 days of the due date the child,s name will be struck off from the school rolls.

Bank Details

Beneficiary Account Name – Dr Rajeev Modern Public School 

Bank Account Number – 06570100016263   
Beneficiary Bank Name – Bank of Baroda  
Account Type – Saving  
